Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chapter 5: Island Time

On day 2 Danny had to go to work so Brian and I were on our own. We knew how to get to one place: the beach. Where should we go? The beach. I unfortunately had developed a cold (blame it on the airplane germs, stress and lack of sleep -that and licking doorknobs) and needed some quality sun time. It was a pretty rough day again. Laying on the beach and reading. Like I said. Rough. We caught an incredible sunset and decided to walk the 5k home.

The next day we were left alone again but had the company of Danny's roommate, Terry. Terry is the epitome of a surfer dude. At least as surfer dude-esque as a guy from Minnesota can be. Although not bleached blonde, Terry has long hair and a surfer attitude: very laid back and without worries. Terry is also 19. With the energy of a 19 year old boy. Not that I'm old or lacking energy by any means but this kid schooled us in the energy realm. Terry, being the nice tour guide that he was, took us on a mountain hike. Let me rephrase. Mountain climb. Difficult mountain climb. There is a mountain just behind Dan's house the we decided to conquer. Terry knew of a path and led the way. When Terry described the hike, he called it a "Level 4" hike, out of 10. Mmm Hmmm. It was not. This hike was up the spine of a really steep little mountain. It wasn't a massive hike but it was a strenuous hike. I was definitely breathing quite heavily in a matter of minutes. I could barely see Terry ahead of me and I was just praying to reach the top quickly before I collapsed over the edge.

When we did reach the top it was oh so worth it. The view was amazing. We could see the entire valley all the way out to the sea and the breeze was exactly what we needed. Now we just had to get back down. We made it down, no dramas (except for the minor spill by Brian) and were relieved to have made it down alive.

When we returned, Danny came home and immediately found a Madagascar gecko. Apparently they're an invasive species but I don't care. If that's an invasive species, bring em on! They're gorgeous. It was weird though because he didn't try to talk to me about car insurance...

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